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Nowdays cosmetology has the broadest spectrum of effective procedures. All what happens with skin, from external influences, before internal changes, has influence on a choice of a method of care and treatment. Skin integument occupy of 1,5-2 sq.m., and the weight of a skin is about 5 % from weight of a body. Daily through a skin, with sweat deduces about 600 ml of water, and also mineral salts, aromatic connections, albumens and fats. In skin cages under the influence of ultra-violet beams there is a synthesis of vitamin D. Biochemical processes in a skin and regenertion, don't stop even for a second, as however, and aging process. One of the reasons of skin aging is decrease of peeling the dead cages of epithelium itself within the years. This problem is solved by a chemical peelings (removal of the keratinized cell and stimulation of deeper layer of a skin). The most popular peelings are superficial and median, they don't demand special preparation of a skin, the regenerative period short, and effect lasting of 5-6 month.
After a course of procedures color of your face and a neck considerably will improve, the skin becomes more smooth, pores will be narrowed, small wrinkles will disappear, the face form will be tightened. Mimic and age wrinkles often displease, become the reason of decrease of self-confidence. So it is time to appear for a new technique, it is - contour plastic. The contour plastic allows without operating , both to men and women, to eliminate age wrinkles, defects of a skin, a fold or sinking down hems, to correct the form of lips and the face. The method is based on introduction in a skin hyaluronic acids, microspheres methacrylate resin and biopolymeric gel. Acid molecules are capable, as sponges, keeps water, giving to a skin volume, smoothing folds and wrinkles, keeping moisture. Shape change occurs easily and quickly.